فہرست الطاہر
شمارہ 48، ذیقعد 1428ھ بمطابق دسمبر 2007ع

Method of Preaching

Speech by Khwaja Muhammad Tahir Abbasi Bakhshi Naqshbandi

Translated by: Faqir Ghulam Murtaza


بسم اﷲالرحمٰن الرحیم

اُدْعُ اِلیٰ سَبِیْلِ رَبِّکَ بِاالْحِکْمَۃِ وَالْمَوعِظَۃِ الْحَسَنَۃِ وَجَادِلْہُمْ بِاالَّتِیْ ہِیَ اَحْسَنُ۔

صدق اللہ العظیم۔

The Holy Quran: Call to the way out of your cherisher with wisdom and beautiful speech and discuss with them because it is decent and be done decently. (14-16-125)

Advice and religious speech is being imparted every day. The prophet of Allah the Almighty (peace be upon him) were the true preachers. But sorry to say that people were not ready to hear them and used to put fingers in their ears to avoid religious hearing. Not only this but people troubled good people who became followers of our prophet (peace be upon him). Hazrat Khabab (May Allah be pleased with him) was laid on burning coals. His back was so injured and troubled that the fat melted.

Hazrat Usman (May Allah be pleased with him) when saw the back, he screamed and expressed sorrow fully that he had never seen such burnt back on which was neither skin nor flesh.

On the occasion of the last sermon, The holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered to convey the message to those who were not present there!

This order was for all the time to come, that communicate from him may it be a single verse. Sorry to say that we do not pay proper attention to religious issues though it is great wealth for a Muslim. We always think of material things and wealth and honour are everything for us! People want wealth by fair or foul means, no respect for right and wrong. They collect wealth even at the cost of faith. This tendency loses faith and body of the man. There was a simple holy person in said, named, Watayo Faqir. He found a rupee silver coin. Thinking it useless for him, threw it into a bush. Afterwards finding this coin, some stranger dug out the bush but there was nothing more. Later on after Watayo passed by the bush. He exclaimed that had the coin been with him he also would have been destroyed, thus he thanked Allah the Almighty.

So, the Prophet of Allah the Almighty ordered to convey the message of Allah and who ever did so, he would be ranked highly after wards. Such meetings for preaching are held every now and then so that we may hear and remember and convey to others. So that by the grace of Allah the Almighty we act on righteous path.

In order to recite the Holy Quran or perform five times prayers, we take wash. But mind that wash be taken with presence of mind and to have purity. Then, this wash will wash away our sins from the limbs. Imam Ghazali says, for recitation and prayers, washing be done with love and purity.

Please offer prayers to please Allah the Almighty people may prolong prayer to be called pious and show to people and this is little in fidelity and our Prophet (Peace be upon Him) called it hypocrisy or just be show or pretence. Tradition: Best of you one who learned and teacher the Holy Quran. No doubt it is great thing, but there is a tradition in the book of tradition. Al-mishkwat, that a person learned in phonetic ill be called who would he boating of sweet tone and phonetic, but Allah the Almighty will dismiss him saying that what he recited was not for Him but for the folk. An other person my be called and asked about the wealth. He may he boasting about the bounties but Allah The Almighty will rejected him telling that it was not done for Him but for his popularitys. Thus Shah Latif of Bhit in poem, says Those who knit roughly but did with love and purity, their was accepted unsortedly by the checkers.

The companions of the Prophet were full of true love and purity. Their simple deeds weighed heavily. Thus the holy Prophet says that their bounty of date stone is ranked higher than mount of gold given by others in charity; It is all because their hearts were purified by the noble prophet. The fore most for us is to be humbler and improve our selves, and this thing is appreciated by Allah the Almighty. The mystics people's way out is as such that they fear Allah the Almighty. They are humble and have great love for Him. The holy Quran teaches: call to the way of your sustainer with wisdom in the way that hey understand your teaching. Talk according to their level and temperament.

Once a Bedouin was washing for prayer when Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussain were watching him. His ebullition was not correct. But instead of saying his washing wrong, Hazrat Hussain began to wash and requested the person to watch if the ebullition was ok. After complete wash, the person expressed that he him self was wrong in washing. Now this was the method of teaching and preaching. Thus, Allah The Almighty asked to preach in the decent way, neither insulting them nor being harsh to them. Once, an illiterate came into mosque of Prophet and made water there. The companions were angry but the holy Prophet asked them to be quiet. When the Bedouin had done it, the prophet called him and asked that that was the place of worship and it must be kept clean. The person regretted saying he did not know that and apologized The holy Prophet asked the companions wash away the dirt with water. This was the training and teaching of our beloved Prophet, the master of ours!

Please, hear and learn from here and tell others the same. Love people and guide with sympathy. There was a simple shepered. He never attended prayers nor learnt about it. Once he was passing by the mosque and heard a learned man saying that washing is not done with ash. When this person died and buried the angles asked him question as usual. The shepherd's reply was that he knew nothing but he knew that ebulition is not performed with ash. The angels were surprised and put this case befort Allah The Almighty who very kindly ordered forgive the person as he had brought an issue of shrariat Muhammadia. So friends learn jurisprudence of Islam and then you will be keen to act accordingly.
In order to preach and teach, decent mode may be taken. Discuss categorically but be within manners.
Allah The Almighty says; you are the best disciples because you preach people ask for good works ad forbid bad ones. It is obvious that we the followers of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) are best because we convey Shariat to other folk.

Thanks to Allah The Almighty that such gatherings are held regularly. Please attend them, because without pious company no one goes on right path and will not attend firmness. The company of the pious is must for all of us.